Tomorrowland-themed LEGO constructions from the web

A few years ago, we told you about the Tomorrowland mainstage recreated with LEGO bricks, here’s our article.

In that instance, it was an initiative by the Belgian festival’s staff, and the construction was visible directly on the festival’s website. It’s worth remembering that this magnificent creation recreated the mainstage of the 2022 edition. But this piqued our interest and we searched on Google for all the LEGO constructions made by enthusiasts and collected them in our gallery.

On YouTube, you can find this version of a common mainstage complete with a LED wall behind the console. Super cool!

On the Beyond the Brick page, we found the alleged reconstruction of the 2012 mainstage called The Book of Wisdom. The creator of this spectacular LEGO reconstruction of Tomorrowland is Peter Wouters. Notable is the careful reconstruction of details like the various books, the line array audio system, the lights, and the grassy surface with different elevations replicating the hill of Boom park in Belgium.


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