About Author

Hi, this is Davide Ippolito (a.k.a. [Dj] Davix). Music and radio lover, my life rotates around these themes, even if I don’t live of this. It is just what makes me feel good every day. I believe in the “power” of music over everything and I grew up with “bread and Los Cuarenta” (an old Italian dance music chart on air on Radio Italia Network, RIN). Since I was a child, I always chose Radio instead of Television, because music gives me wonderful sensation. I listen to everything (all music genres) without prejudices and stereotypes. If I like a song, for me it’s “ok”, I don’t follow trends.

In 2009 I founded of a tiny web radio called “Radio BeatEaters”. After several years listening to and studying from the main national media in Italy, I tried to merge everything that I have learned experimenting the “art of the radio and djing”. Everything, started as a game, grew up and was online for 5 years until 2014. 

After a one-year break, I decided to come back, founding a new project related to my passion, a resource for finding new music. I was back with a website but the same name of my Radio-show: TribEaters.

In 2017, I decided to change the name of my project putting some makeup on to have a more professional look. A new era is born, please welcome “EDM Lab”, my best way to share my passion and comment all the great tunes released every week. EDM lab is a tool that tries to free people from the prejudice of the trends. People should be free to hear what they want, with no distinction between trends.

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