Deadmau5 – Is he retiring from the production world?

It should be clear that we genuinely hope that Deadmau5’s declarations are just thinking out loud after some discussion arose between what we might consider a mix of fans and haters. Indeed, according to some of those, No Mana would be “the new” Deadmau5, and that it is now time for this last one to retire.

For those who do not know Joel, to keep it short, we can say that… well, he is not known for being easy. Indeed, he is constantly responding to critics and keeps feeding controversies even among colleagues.  So we were expecting one of his rants, but… it did not happen!

The Canadian producer, indeed, surprised everyone by saying:

“Well, of course, I am no longer on the top of the music production… I have been doing it for longer than 20 years… which is not so easy for anyone. I am just following my path. I am aging, and the demographic of the public keeps constantly changing. These might be the years I might go down musically. I will pass the torch and store my mau5head. I do not see anything negative tied to the idea of slowing down. And this is why I got into other things that will fill the void when music will no longer be a part of me.“

Those words sound scary to all his fans since this might indicate that we are close to the end of his career, one of the best artists in the electronic music scenario. However, Joel specifically stressed that he wants to explore different aspects of music, not necessarily focusing on its production. Thus, its retirement should not be so imminent. Although we remain shocked…


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