Katy Perry new record and pregnancy

Released on this Thursday, March 5, almost by surprise, the new album of Katy Perry Never Worn White.

There was some rumor, but nothing big, and instead here it is the unexpected new record of the (former) pop queen. Never Worn White it’s a ballad with which you can go back to dreaming thanks to Katy’s beautiful voice; nothing more lively then, as she had suggested with the last track Never Really Over.

Never Worn White also hides something else, in fact at the end of the video Katy Perry from a clear reference to a very welcome pregnancy. As confirmed then on the social Katy and Orlando Bloom are waiting for a baby!
Katy also announced that the news does not end here and with the hashtag #KP5 gives us a way to understand that next summer will also release a new album.

Release Date: 5 Marzo 2020 » Capitol Records | Spotify | Apple Music |



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