HEREON: the Melodic Techno side project by Like Mike

Melodic Techno is the revelation style of the latest years. The mainstream side of this trend is the Future Rave, of which we talked a lot on EDM Lab. We can affirm that, in 2023 there was a turnaround: la Melodic Techno took over on Future Rave. In recent years Future Rave was the dominant sub-genre, today, the dominant sub-genre is Melodic Techno, both on charts and live events. But today we aren’t here to talk about the reasons.

HEREONToday, we are here to talk about a popular name who decided, using a new alias, to join the Melodic Techno movement. We are talking about Like Mike. He is part of the iconic Bigroom duo with his brother Dimitri Vegas.

For some time, to be exact, from the latest months of 2023, we have been listening to rumors about the alias HEREON. On the 8th of December 2023 Tomorrowland Music released “Under Your Spine” and “Pulsating Energy”, (we supported this latest on the #236 episode of our Best Of Today #Release) signed both from HEREON and Like Mike. However, in those latest days of 2023, only a few people knew that he was the same person.

On the 12th of January 2024, HEREON released “Alive”, followed the next week, by “The Night,” signed on Purified Records by Nora En Pure.

On the 9th of February, the artist released the HEREON album, homonymous of the mysterious alias. “Nothing Else Matters,” which was released on the 16th of February as the lead single, is the manifesto of the album and the project. The album was published on Smash The House in a joint venture with Tomorrowland Music. The signing on Smash The House, with the name of Like Mike which accompanies, release after release, the alias HEREON, started to show very clearly what was happening.

Finally, Like Mike revealed himself as HEREON and the purpose of the project itself. Like Mike affirms HEREON was born to explore and highlight the importance of electronic music and spiritual enlightenment. HEREON means to calibrate and equilibrate the vibrational human frequencies with powerful synthesized musical waves and ethereal penetrating vocals. HEREON is the emphasis on the collective power to the detriment of the singular individual, is the union between things which apparently could seem deep diversities, such as genre and culture.

Stay tuned on EDM Lab channels for further info about the next releases and acts of the HEREON project.


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