United by music for charity 2023, narrating the SDGs with electronic dance music

United by music for charity, the initiative that reunited the whole world, is now back for 2023 edition, in aid of One African Child.

Regular readers of the articles written on EDM Lab will surely have become accustomed to the issues covered by “United by music for charity“. We have been supporting and partnering with this charity initiative since as far back as 2018, foundation year of the venture devised by Gabriele Mirabile.

Changing the world with electronic dance music 

“I dream to live in a world where United is unnecessary, meaningless. I will fight and we will fight for that. For a better world. To show that united, we can change the world.” These are the concluding words of the presentation video realized by the organization to apply to the UN SDG Action Awards.

A signature programme of the UN SDG Action Campaign, seeking initiatives and individuals that mobilize, inspire and connect people to drive positive change.

Probably enough to have a clue about what United by music for charity is.

United by music for charity is an organization that deals with the realization of events and initiatives with a strong social impact, founded on four pillars: Electronic Dance Music, Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights and charity. Its main initiative currently consists of the realization of an Electronic Dance Music album named “United”. The album is released every year on a Friday between 7th and 14th December celebrating the week of the World Human Rights Day.

Emerging and well-known artists come together from all over the world to compose 17 songs, one for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Defined as a beacon of hope for global change by the world’s media and press including major electronic music news outlets , featuring more than 105 artists from 35 countries around the world until today, United by music for charity is an organization that fight for human rights, equality and peace alongside UNESCO and the United Nations.

Past, present and future developments in aid of One African Child

Since 2018 four editions of United have been released, involving artists from all over the world – including Charles B, Rudeejay, MorganJ and Debris to name a few – sensitizing thousands of people to the important issues addressed by the SDGs, and allowing the organization to raise funds for different non-profit organizations as Save The ChildrenUNICEF, Rainforest Alliance, the Tim Bergling Foundation and the World Health Organization during each edition.

This year, part of the proceeds raised from United by music for charity’s ventures (album, events and more) will be destined to One African Child, with the aim of building a creative learning school at a low-income community in Kwara StateNigeria, making a meaningful difference in the lives of many children and working toward the achievement of SDG 4Quality Education.

We look forward to discovering the line-up of artists who will compose the fifth edition of this wonderful initiative, demonstrating once again, that united we can change the world.

More information available at www.unitedbymusicforcharity.com


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