Steve Aoki enters the Sensorium Metaverse

With over 4 million streams, Steve Aoki is one of the most popular and demanded DJs and producers globally. He boasts results as one of the best 10 DJs in the world, and the public loves him because of his amazing live performance. He also holds the Guinness World Record as the most nomad musician for having played in 168 shows in 41 different countries in a year.

SensoriumBut now, do you know about the Sensorium Galaxy’s Metaverse? (which we have talked about here). Steve Aoki has declared to have participated in 3D scans using motion capture technologies to create a photorealistic avatar, which will perform many exclusive shows via the Sensorium Galaxy platform. Once joined into the world of Sensorium Galaxy, the new musical reality parallel to the Zuckerberg metaverse, the viewers will be able to tune in using VR visors, PC, or Mac.

Moreover, Aoki lets slip a minor spoiler: besides him, another artist has participated in the 3D scan in motion capture. Its name is David Guetta.
The nightlife habits of anyone are changing, and being able to participate in shows and concerts directly from our home will be easier than you can think.


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