Now we are in 4k



When we’ve created our facebook page (in 2013 under alias TribEaters – #THELAB) we would never expect to achieve a similar result.

For many years we have published daily a small amount of posts without receiving even a like, a sharing, nothing, but little we cared, we wanted to create an archive, a future reference point, something that would last in time and that would be served …

Today, 2 years after the creation of the new EDM Lab format with the same editorial line as before, over 50k visit on our website, we have become a reference for someone around the world. Write us, help us, share and leave hundreds of thumbs up, sign that what we have been doing for many years is useful to someone. Every day we try to keep you informed and pampered between a column and a #release, between a review on our website and a #breakingEDM news, year after year, milestone after milestone, today we have reached 4000 fans on this page.

Thank You Very Much – EDM Lab staff


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